awaken your dna and master your reality

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Our mission at Merkabah Soulutions is to optimize longevity by providing goods, services, and strategies that increase the life expectancy and fulfillment of human beings worldwide - simple but not minimal. A new generation of creators, thought leaders, innovators, and builders is on the rise, and it is our responsibility to design and curate what 21st century living will look like for those who will carry the torch after us.

Love cannot be corrupted, and it is the operating system for everything we will develop in the years to come including:

A platform where artists, inventors, writers, and designers can authenticate and verify their Intellectual Property (IP) on the blockchain via a Source ID. Contrary to a Digital ID, this registry would be tamper-proof, transparent, and secure, which would help to prevent intellectual property theft and piracy. You own everything you think, say, and do. Eventually the ability to copyright even a tweet and get paid when someone shares it or screenshots it.

A safe space to share information freely, and a marketplace for content, products, and services owned by us forever. The process of redistributing wealth starts with the people being fearless, and supporting every single person with dreams the same way we’d want them to support us. We cannot afford for artificial intelligence to only process greed and oppression as it learns from human behavior, yet this is what we see happening. Instead we’ll teach it shared virtues and values, and how to promote life instead of take lives, one narrative at a time. Human beings will no longer be psychologically compromised against one another. Everyone can contribute to a better world for everyone. Opportunity is the terminator of crime and domestic violence.

Ways to counter mass mental, physical, spiritual, environmental and political pollution, all of which are are funded by big banks and big pharma. Abundance is not scarce, only the mentality and the feeling of it. Together, we are more powerful than any entity that desires depopulation and chaos. We will eliminate the age-old economy of war by remaining independent variables in the matrix, and living internally external, attuning our intent to the laws of Ma’at, and flowing with course of natural evolution. We do this by saying no to GMO, understudied vaccinations, and under-inclusive education. Instead we’ll provide resources to grow our own food, work for ourselves, and teach our own children, until these institutions provide true value again and no longer act as a pipeline to entrapment.

An innovative approach to community building and sustainability, consisting developing more methods of transportation that don’t require octane/diesel gas, and eventually even electricity, but solar instead. This also consists of restoring water supply reservoirs and distribution channels and an evenly balanced allocation of resources, from gold to rare books containing coveted information. We will eliminate the need for “secret societies” as we work to guarantee light shines on everything done covertly under the veil of democracy.

Not an echo chamber, instead an ecosystem for good people to prosper

Crystallize and ascend

  • Colloidal gold (250 ML /100 ppm)


    Electric Body / Faster Nutrient Absorption

    More Lucid Dreaming / Faster Processing

    Cures Body Odor / Bad Breath

    Extends Life / Cellular Regeneration

    Mental Clarity / Prevents Headaches

    Increased Clairvoyance / Intuition / Precognition

    Clear Skin / Faster Healing

    DNA Activation / Reproductive Wellness

    Heart Health Benefits / Optimizes Blood Flow

    Combats Microwave Radiation from EMF/ELF

    Prevents Nerve Damage

  • Colloidal Silver (118 ML / 2000ppm)


    Eliminates Mucous

    Prevent Cancer Cells / Cellular Breakdown

    Eliminates Viruses / Fungal Bacteria

    Extends Life / Cellular Regeneration

    Eases Digestion / Increases Metabolism

    Detoxes From Impurities / Poison

    Clear Skin / Faster Healing

    Increased Immunity

    Increased Lung Health / Kidney Function

    Combats Microwave Radiation from EMF/ELF

website design

Be one of the first to dominate the new world of web3.0 and smart contracts, or use a more traditional approach to online branding and marketing.

We will assist you in streamlining your story, art portfolio, business, or platform to the world, and make you easy to find using SEO. Consult with us today for a custom web2.0 or web3.0 ready website.

logos and app icons

transcend your creative expression

Add new life to your quality ideas.

If you have a music video or photo you’d like to transform, we’ll use our various curation resources to deliver a storytelling audio-reactive animated visual for you to share and call your own. You maintain all of the rights to every masterpiece we create for you. Subscribe to our newsletter for tutorials on how to produce content like this yourself and every time there’s new programs that expedite production of content.

Tokenize your brand

Tokenize your brand

Thinking about launching your own cryptocurrency? Look no further.

We will handle the hard part of developing and getting the smart contract approved on the blockchain for you so all you have to do is share the contract address for investors to buy, hold, and trade.

Not only that, we’ll market it for you as well on our social media.

Newsletter sign up

Sign up for our newsletter for free health tips, proven investment strategies and new product arrivals. As a subscriber you’ll get first access to discounts and collaborative opportunities. Learn about special offers, and more.

contribute to the future

We are accepting donations during the launch period of the new website. This will aid us in hiring new developers, funding creative projects, supplying those in need, and doing giveaways to our followers and subscribers. We are eternally grateful for your contributions.


Follow us on social media

Follow us on Twitter for exclusive insight on health and wellness resources, cryptocurrency trading tips, social media growth opportunities, and technological advancements.